#New Best Binary Options Trading Strategy 2017 – How To Make $1,000 Per Hour.
#New Best Binary Options Trading Strategy 2017 – How To Make $1,000 Per Hour.
Table of Contents.
#New Best Binary Options Trading Strategy 2017 – How To Make $1,000 Per Hour.
startTime durationTime text 00:00:00 00:00:03 hello my name is Tyler cinelli CEO and 00:00:02 00:00:06 founder of option trading coach and 00:00:03 00:00:08 options trader club and also the creator 00:00:06 00:00:10 of the trading mastery program in this 00:00:08 00:00:11 video I’m going to show you a strategy 00:00:10 00:00:14 that I’ve really developed and 00:00:11 00:00:16 cultivated over the last 15 years as a 00:00:14 00:00:17 full-time trader and it’s going to teach 00:00:16 00:00:20 you how I made over three hundred 00:00:17 00:00:22 percent return and little over one month 00:00:20 00:00:24 now this strategy on leaps is really 00:00:22 00:00:25 going to open your eyes to what’s 00:00:24 00:00:27 possible in a stok board and that’s 00:00:25 00:00:28 where the goal here so as you go forward 00:00:27 00:00:31 in this video if you have any questions 00:00:28 00:00:33 or comments please feel free to leave 00:00:31 00:00:34 them I’d love to hear from you so let’s 00:00:33 00:00:36 go ahead and jump right in alright 00:00:34 00:00:39 welcome into the platform where I trade 00:00:36 00:00:40 stoks and options on a daily basis and 00:00:39 00:00:42 before I tok through the actual 00:00:40 00:00:44 logistiks of the position I want to show 00:00:42 00:00:47 you a chart and this charts going to be 00:00:44 00:00:49 on when when was the stok that was 00:00:47 00:00:51 purchased to make this game and this is 00:00:49 00:00:53 what the one-year daily chart looks like 00:00:51 00:00:54 so if we kind of zoom in a little bit to 00:00:53 00:00:57 give you the background information 00:00:54 00:00:59 before we go through all this I actually 00:00:57 00:01:01 have been trading this stok since 00:00:59 00:01:03 October we had a huge break out with 00:01:01 00:01:05 massive volume when we bounced up from 00:01:03 00:01:07 fifty to a share broke up to about 60 to 00:01:05 00:01:09 a share in one day that’s when I 00:01:07 00:01:11 initiated my position and I’ve been 00:01:09 00:01:13 trading this since then very actively 00:01:11 00:01:15 and I’ve been managing this inside my 00:01:13 00:01:18 options trader club and right here you 00:01:15 00:01:20 can see the leaps letter trade on win is 00:01:18 00:01:22 multifaceted so if I go to the leaps 00:01:20 00:01:24 letter you can see all the different 00:01:22 00:01:27 trades and updates and so forth but this 00:01:24 00:01:29 will actually show you the process of 00:01:27 00:01:32 start to finish how I got back into a 00:01:29 00:01:35 hundred contracts back on october third 00:01:32 00:01:36 buying the january 2017 calls made money 00:01:35 00:01:39 about i want to say about eighty percent 00:01:36 00:01:40 gain the first week gave back a little 00:01:39 00:01:43 bit and to make a long story short 00:01:40 00:01:44 closed out about a third of the position 00:01:43 00:01:45 to book about a ten-thousand-dollar 00:01:44 00:01:48 profit and i’ve been trading it 00:01:45 00:01:51 throughout this sideways trading range 00:01:48 00:01:53 for several months so this is where I’ve 00:01:51 00:01:55 been managing this and all the updates 00:01:53 00:01:57 and so forth is there but October second 00:01:55 00:01:59 is when I started trading this 00:01:57 00:02:02 partikular stok and using the leaks 00:01:59 00:02:03 options to gain leverage for future 00:02:02 00:02:05 price increase so right here you can see 00:02:03 00:02:08 this is the day 10 to that was a 00:02:05 00:02:10 breakout that was when I first initiated 00:02:08 00:02:11 a position and then from there on you 00:02:10 00:02:12 can see we’re in this sideways trading 00:02:11 00:02:15 range for 00:02:12 00:02:17 three months to wear on january 00:02:15 00:02:19 fourteenth now brings us back to the 00:02:17 00:02:21 monitor here this is where i can model 00:02:19 00:02:22 my positions these are the leaps letter 00:02:21 00:02:24 trades i have a couple different ones on 00:02:22 00:02:27 when we’re toking about now is on when 00:02:24 00:02:30 and right here the January 85 calls 00:02:27 00:02:34 these were purchased on january 00:02:30 00:02:36 fourteenth 2016 at 1024 a.m. and i 00:02:34 00:02:39 purchased 10 of them at 365 a contract 00:02:36 00:02:42 that results in a thirty six hundred and 00:02:39 00:02:43 fifty dollar cost basis so round up for 00:02:42 00:02:45 simple math and a factor in a few 00:02:43 00:02:47 dollars and commissions will say thirty 00:02:45 00:02:50 seven hundred dollars was the entry 00:02:47 00:02:52 costs into this partikular tree now a 00:02:50 00:02:54 little over one month later these 00:02:52 00:02:56 contracts that were purchased for three 00:02:54 00:02:58 dot 65 cents you can see the mark price 00:02:56 00:03:00 right there at eleven fifty but if i 00:02:58 00:03:03 show you the actual option chain go to 00:03:00 00:03:07 the january options the 85 calls now the 00:03:03 00:03:09 bid is 1110 the asks 1185 because i can 00:03:07 00:03:12 very conceivably and easily sell these 00:03:09 00:03:14 for 1150 each per contract which a 00:03:12 00:03:16 result in about three hundred percent 00:03:14 00:03:18 gain now when you’re trading leaps i 00:03:16 00:03:20 have to say this has been a journey so 00:03:18 00:03:23 this established position started in 00:03:20 00:03:24 October had some success was going 00:03:23 00:03:27 through a period of consolidation on the 00:03:24 00:03:29 chart as we just saw and now that you’re 00:03:27 00:03:31 able to get back in that’s why I’m a 00:03:29 00:03:34 firm advocate of not trying to train too 00:03:31 00:03:36 many stoks just master a few understand 00:03:34 00:03:39 the patterns the fundamentals the 00:03:36 00:03:41 tiknicals and then be able to implement 00:03:39 00:03:44 that and and with this example on when 00:03:41 00:03:46 you know this trade is one of many but 00:03:44 00:03:48 the beautiful part now is your this 00:03:46 00:03:49 thirty seven hundred dollar investment 00:03:48 00:03:51 and there was three different trades 00:03:49 00:03:53 that were made them at one point had 00:03:51 00:03:56 five different strike prices on this 00:03:53 00:03:58 position but for simplicity and showing 00:03:56 00:04:01 you just that one segment you know 00:03:58 00:04:04 buying that 85 co-option thirty seven 00:04:01 00:04:07 hundred dollar investment now worth over 00:04:04 00:04:10 12,000 and it’s producing monthly and 00:04:07 00:04:11 weekly income so as we move forward keep 00:04:10 00:04:13 your mind open to what’s possible 00:04:11 00:04:15 because my goal here is to completely 00:04:13 00:04:17 blow you away so let’s jump back in and 00:04:15 00:04:19 finish this off so right here you can 00:04:17 00:04:20 see these 10 contracts and i also have a 00:04:19 00:04:22 couple other ones too that i’m not 00:04:20 00:04:23 factoring in right now for this 00:04:22 00:04:26 discussion because i want to focus just 00:04:23 00:04:28 on one example but this exam 00:04:26 00:04:31 of these 85 calls that is an eight 00:04:28 00:04:33 thousand dollar profit in a little over 00:04:31 00:04:35 one month and the beauty part is with 00:04:33 00:04:37 this strategy is you can start to 00:04:35 00:04:39 produce income on this so you take a 00:04:37 00:04:41 thirty six hundred and fifty dollar 00:04:39 00:04:44 investment that’s now has a net 00:04:41 00:04:46 liquidating value right here you can see 00:04:44 00:04:48 this net lick that’s the net liquidation 00:04:46 00:04:50 value of that partikular contract or 00:04:48 00:04:52 position so this right here it has 00:04:50 00:04:54 eleven thousand four hundred seventy 00:04:52 00:04:58 five dollars in value so if you subtract 00:04:54 00:05:02 the 3650 cost basis that would equal a 00:04:58 00:05:04 profit of roughly 7825 dollars and then 00:05:02 00:05:05 once when you have that built-in profit 00:05:04 00:05:07 of course you scale out and take some 00:05:05 00:05:09 profits as I did earlier I sold the 70 00:05:07 00:05:11 calls which was about a six or seven 00:05:09 00:05:13 thousand dollar profit same timeframe 00:05:11 00:05:16 also with the 75 calls right here 00:05:13 00:05:19 purchased five of these for 515 those 00:05:16 00:05:21 are now worth fift
een twenty two cents 00:05:19 00:05:23 each which is another 5,000 our profit 00:05:21 00:05:25 so a couple layered tiered strategies 00:05:23 00:05:28 going on here but for the most part this 00:05:25 00:05:30 is working very well on a multitude of 00:05:28 00:05:31 securities Apple American Airlines 00:05:30 00:05:33 facebook i have a couple more up here 00:05:31 00:05:35 that are doing pretty well and this has 00:05:33 00:05:37 definitely been the best one lately 00:05:35 00:05:39 because i had more money in this and i 00:05:37 00:05:41 had a stronger belief and bias going 00:05:39 00:05:43 into win so right now what I’m doing is 00:05:41 00:05:46 I’m going to be producing monthly income 00:05:43 00:05:49 by selling front week and front month 00:05:46 00:05:51 call options so the March 185 calls sold 00:05:49 00:05:53 ten of these earlier today in my live 00:05:51 00:05:55 trading room and I was able to bring in 00:05:53 00:05:58 a credit of roughly right here you can 00:05:55 00:06:00 see march one 2016 sold these right 00:05:58 00:06:03 before the market closed around 357 00:06:00 00:06:05 Eastern 474 cents so that brought in 00:06:03 00:06:07 seven hundred and forty dollars in 00:06:05 00:06:09 income which is also reflective in the 00:06:07 00:06:12 theta quadrant that’s the positive time 00:06:09 00:06:13 decay quadrant so the importance now is 00:06:12 00:06:16 you take this investment now just 00:06:13 00:06:18 looking at the 85 calls you take this 00:06:16 00:06:22 and was once a thirty seven hundred 00:06:18 00:06:24 dollar trade investment is now worth 00:06:22 00:06:27 11,500 and on top of that it’s producing 00:06:24 00:06:30 a two-week income because you see these 00:06:27 00:06:33 March options they expire in 16 days and 00:06:30 00:06:35 I have about a 75 percent probability 00:06:33 00:06:38 actually I think higher than that let’s 00:06:35 00:06:40 confirm that so if i look at the March 00:06:38 00:06:43 an exploration that’s where my position 00:06:40 00:06:45 flag is the 85 sold calls has a 00:06:43 00:06:47 probability of expiring which is good if 00:06:45 00:06:49 you’re selling an option of eighty four 00:06:47 00:06:50 point six eight percent so I’m at 00:06:49 00:06:53 eighty-five percent probability that 00:06:50 00:06:55 these sold 85 calls that expire in 16 00:06:53 00:06:58 days will expire worthless and I’ll keep 00:06:55 00:07:00 that entire seven hundred and eighty 00:06:58 00:07:02 dollar credit or income and that’s the 00:07:00 00:07:05 exact process that I use on a daily 00:07:02 00:07:07 weekly monthly yearly basis in my own 00:07:05 00:07:08 portfolio inside the options trader club 00:07:07 00:07:10 where we trade these strategies live 00:07:08 00:07:12 with real dollars and we tok about them 00:07:10 00:07:14 as a group as a community we all can 00:07:12 00:07:16 have success so to finish off this trade 00:07:14 00:07:18 update video just to recap you know 00:07:16 00:07:20 we’ve done over three hundred percent 00:07:18 00:07:22 return on this trade and it’s really at 00:07:20 00:07:25 a point where you know this is a great 00:07:22 00:07:27 place to be now you have contracts that 00:07:25 00:07:29 were once more aggressively out of the 00:07:27 00:07:32 muddy meaning that it had the stok had 00:07:29 00:07:34 to go up to become somewhere near the 00:07:32 00:07:36 strike price that you purchase to 00:07:34 00:07:38 produce this monthly income selling 00:07:36 00:07:40 calls which is a very powerful and 00:07:38 00:07:42 important strategy that I would love to 00:07:40 00:07:43 teach more about so whether you want to 00:07:42 00:07:45 learn through some free videos an option 00:07:43 00:07:48 trading coach or I can welcome you to 00:07:45 00:07:50 come try out a trial membership inside 00:07:48 00:07:52 the options trader club this is an 00:07:50 00:07:54 actual live current tray that’s still 00:07:52 00:07:57 producing it’s still manifesting and 00:07:54 00:07:59 it’s going to be going until January 00:07:57 00:08:01 2017 and beyond so that’s what I love 00:07:59 00:08:04 about leaps they’re very defensive 00:08:01 00:08:06 forgiving and they’re exponentially 00:08:04 00:08:09 powerful products that can create a 00:08:06 00:08:10 tremendous wealth and also produce you 00:08:09 00:08:12 know consistent income which is what 00:08:10 00:08:14 it’s all about so I welcome you to come 00:08:12 00:08:17 check me out options trader club com is 00:08:14 00:08:19 where you can follow this trade i have a 00:08:17 00:08:21 leaps letter newsletter that i use to 00:08:19 00:08:23 publish this and let all my clients and 00:08:21 00:08:25 traders you’ll follow along and i would 00:08:23 00:08:27 love to have you involved so i welcome 00:08:25 00:08:29 you to check it out also stay tuned for 00:08:27 00:08:30 the sequel to this video because there’s 00:08:29 00:08:33 going to be more updates on this 00:08:30 00:08:35 partikular position so an ending I would 00:08:33 00:08:37 love to hear from you leave a comment a 00:08:35 00:08:39 question any feedback you can have would 00:08:37 00:08:43 be much appreciated so until next time 00:08:39 00:08:43 happy trading and I’ll tok to you soon.
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