Politicians Beware, Investors Are Not “Happy”
The Big Qs, as follows;
- Are you an investors who feels you are financially being bled to death by the US government?
- Can you explain in any comprehensible way just what Congress is dong to help the US economy recover?
- Why has the US Fed imposed a Zero+ interest rate for the past 7 years?
- Can it be that these nutters are governing the US?
Listening to the candidates running for the Presidency and their respective political parties talk about economic policy is very scary, embarrassing and disconcerting.
The 2 major US political parties are locked in an ideology that government may take more money from the productive private economy to redistribute in the most unproductive ways possible.
Note: The 1% is a voting pool smaller than the 99% voting pool.
Unfortunately, about 50% the 99% are also to some extent taxpayers and are being taxed without mercy.
In this economy, the tax burden is more painfully felt by them than anyone else, they are angry.
One keen observer puts it this way, “The philosophy of those running for high office and the political parties they represent seem to reflect the view that everyone’s efforts belong to the state. Any money left over after the government takes what it wants is purely a gift since, according to the Supreme Court, the government has unlimited power to take it all.”
“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” — Edmund Burke
As crazy as the notion is, the politicians are promoting the propaganda that the people must be protected from the abuses of private industry and businesses. Multinational companies and local businesses both must be closely regulated for the public good.
What the taxpaying investors are realizing is that when politicians say they are fighting for the people they are bleeding off more cash flow from the private sector to squander on vote buying schemes and wild programs to reward campaign contributors.
Remember, the government generates no wealth, no real jobs, and no financial security. Only private industry creates these things.
Politicians are takers and users of private property and private labor.
The government’s existence depends upon the success of the marketplace and private business enterprises, just like you and me.
There have been inklings of taxpayer’s annoyance in previous years.
Recall, that Ross Perot got 19% of the vote as a 3rd-party candidate for President. You would have thought that the Democrats and Republicans would have seen that the voters were unhappy then as they still are.
The Republicans got sweep into office and Newt Gingrich made Speaker of the House because the voters were unhappy.
The Tea Party came into existence because taxpaying voters were unhappy, and hey, the Republicans hated them more than they did the Democrats.
And here we are again…
The Democrats are steady in their quest to destroy any vestige of a private free-market economy.
The Republicans are firm on their supporting the Democrats. As a matter of legislation and bureaucratic regulation, there is not a bit worth of difference between them.
Investors are the ones with the most “skin in the game”.
Now, as the US economy loses steam and the value of their investments disappear, the investors will be unhappy.
Politicians think that they are the only members allowed into an exclusive club, but they discount to Zero that investors pay the bills.
Politicians best watch out now, there is a Revolution happening.
Stay tuned…
Paul Ebeling
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