Fresh off a characteristically controversial performance at a Friday night rally in Utah where the GOP frontrunner questioned whether newfound nemisis and self-styled party elder Mitt Romney is “really a Mormon,” Donald Trump is set to speak in Arizona today and protesters are now blocking traffic on a highway

As a local ABC affiliate reports:

Protesters lined the streets of Fountain Hills on Saturday morning to block traffic to the Donald Trump rally.” 


Air15 video showed protesters blocking Shea Boulevard with a couple of Maricopa County Sheriff Deputies on scene.


A tow truck was able to move two vehicles but the protestors remained. At one point, a jeep plowed into the protesters. No one appeared to injured.

Anti-Trump demonstrators have also taken to the city streets with the usual collection of signs and banners in a show of outrage against the billionaire. Below, find the live feed.

Запись Protesters March, Form Highway Blockade At Trump Rally In Arizona – Live Feed впервые появилась