The latest Gallup poll shows that support for President Trump surged to 44% during the first two weeks of October, just one percentage point below his personal best, which was reached during his first week in office.
Furthermore, as we noted previously, Democrats are worrying that their get-out-the-vote efforts (which have included such novel strategies as catfishing people on twitter) won’t mobilize the two demographic groups that are seen as crucial to a Democratic victory: Young people and Hispanics.
However, as Statista’s Martin Armstrong points out, there is a silver lining for the Russophobic left…
Russian president Vladimir Putin has long enjoyed a high approval rating but, this infographic shows, the latest Levada-Center surveys have revealed a steep drop off in recent months.
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The main reason for this change in mood is a planned raising of the retirement age in the country – gradually from 60 to 65 for men and from 55 to 63 for women.
Having been consistently above 80 percent in recent years, the dip in popularity has seen Putin’s rating hit 67 percent.
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