Rebuild America, Limit Government, Reduce Taxes
The theme of this weekend’s Summit hosted by industrialists’ Charles and David Koch’s Freedom Partners is limited government and reducing taxes,
In a letter to donors, Charles Koch wrote that the Summit, titled “Unleashing Our Free Society: A Strategy to Expand Opportunity for All Americans,” will focus on raising the political network to the “next level.”
“It was William Gladstone* who said, ‘This, if I understand it, is one of those Golden moments in our history, one of those opportunities which may come and may go, but which rarely returns,’” Charles Koch wrote. “I hope you share this same sense of urgency about our commitment to restoring freedom and opportunity for all Americans, especially the least fortunate.”
The group intends to spend $889-M in the Y 2016 election cycle, with an emphasis on its data-driven field operation.
In addition to “conservative mega-donors and operatives,” attendees will include GOP presidential candidates former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who will participate in Q&A sessions.
Despite a cordial professional relationship with the Koch Brothers, Donald Trump, who is leading GOP polls, will be absent at this weekend’s gathering.
Mr. Trump was not invited though his campaign submitted the questionnaire as a courtesy “detailing the candidate’s government policy positions and submitting it to Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, the Koch umbrella group organizing the Summit.”
Donald Trump does not need the Koch Brother’s money, and when he gets the GOP nomination expect them to support him.
* British Prime Minister William Gladstone (Victorian-Era), famous for being a populist, as are the Koch Brothers.
Notably, Donald Trump has been call the modern Winston Churchill by Michael Savage. Mr. Savage pledged his support, and declared:”You’re the lion… you’re the Winston Churchill of our time. Keep hitting them real hard.”
Stay tuned…
Paul Ebeling
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