Record Audience Set To Watch GOP Frontrunner Donald Trump On CNN Debates

A record audience of 24-M saw Donald Trump dominate the 1st Republican presidential TV debate last month on Fox, and now the whole world will be watching the 2nd debate Wednesday evening to see if any of his rivals can out-duel him on the debate stage.

Fired Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is rising in the polls and has qualified for the main event this time around. She joins 10 other candidates as the only woman on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in north of Los Angeles, California.

In addition 4 other candidates will appear in a “happy children’s hour” card pre-Main event.

There will be 11 candidates on stage for the main debate, each with their own strategy for shining.

Donald Trump will likely run the ‘Show” again, what i expect, as follows:

Since the 1st debate last month, Donald Trump, the frontrunner has increased his lead in the polls and become the 1st candidate of the cycle to break the 30% threshold.

As the frontrunner, the real estate mogul and former Apprentice host is likely to be attacked from all sides, especially by Ms. Fiorina, after Mr. Trump remarked: “Look at that face, would anyone vote for that?”

Following his clash with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly last time, pundits will also be watching to see how he will interact with the CNN moderators Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and radio host Hugh Hewitt who Donald Trump has called “a 3rd-rate radio announcer.”

Expect to see Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump respectfully parry each other, Mr. Trump has called Dr. Carson, a nice low energy man. Dr. Carson, mistakenly questioned Mr. Trump’s faith in God, and made a weak appology. He will get hammered politely, or maybe not politely.

Jeb Bush goes into the debate seeking to regain control of his campaign, and will likely be on the offensive, stressing his energy and using sharp, detailed policies to destabilize his opponents. Jeb is not match for Donald at any level.  Talking about his record as a former Florida governor is useless in this arena.

This 2nd debate is important for John Kasich as he strives to maintains the little momentum he thinks he has.

Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign has been in “free-fall” in the polling since last month’s debate, I expect he will not be around much longer.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is savvy, he has avoided criticizing the Donald Trump hoping the New York billionaire stumbles. During the debate, he will likely focus on immigration, the hot-button issue brought into the light by Mr. Trump.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is young, he has no advantage because of it, he will have to convince voters that he has both the dynamism of a younger politician and the experience of an older candidate. He will not be able to do that. Maybe in Y 2024 if he stays around.

Failed former HP CEO Carly Fiorina boosted herself into this month’s main event with a good performance at the under-card August debate. She is feisty, and took a swipe at Trump on Monday in her “Face of Leadership” ad. Expect Donald Trump to go after Ms. Fiorina for her disastrous helming of  Hewlett Packard, during which more than 30,000 employees were laid off, and the company’s stock crashed, she was fired, and the company has not recovered fully yet.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has maintained a steady base of support among values voters. Gov. Huckabee is a force of on-stage, retail politics, and wowed viewers during the 1st debate, but he has not got the stuff for the GOP nomination.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul made headlines during the 1st debate for going at it with Chris Christie over the NSA’s bulk data collection, but he has also gotten on the wrong side of Donald Trump, and is near the bottom of the pack in polling. His campaign is at the end, he is out of money, and not likely to get any more. Goodby Rand Paul curly hairpiece and all.

NJ Gov. Chris Christie is struggling to distinguish himself in this field of candidates. His rough’em up style is overshadowed by Donald Trump, and he cannot to shake off the scandals surrounding Bridgegate and the resignations of the top executives at United Airlines. Do not expect him to be around long, remember he hugged Barack Hussein Obama.

Tune in, it will be a terrific show.

Trumpeting for Trump

Paul Ebeling






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