Having made his views very clear on hypocrisy of how “above the law” Hillary Clinton was shown to be earlier this week, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani takes aim at another hypocritical aspect of today’s divided society – the Black Lives Matter movement’s ignorance of black-on-black violence. “When you say black lives matter, that’s inherently racist.. and anti-American,” Giuliani states, saying that instead of telling young black kids to fear the police, parents should “teach your [black] children that the real danger to them 99 time out of 100 is not the police, but other blacks.”

There are 60 shootings in Chicago and Black Lives Matter is non-existent… but one black life is lost to a police officer, under very questionable circumstances, and Black Lives Matter are all over it… which makes one wonder, do black lives matter? or just black lives taken by policemen?”

Giuliani further urges police to introduce a “zero tolerance policy” of “no disrespect.”

Giuliani on Face The Nation

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Perhaps most interesting is the efforts of the host to keep playing the liberal mainstream media line, interrupting Giuliani to ensure his awkward ‘facts’ are not fully distributed.

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