As the silly farce over whether Russia hacked the DNC continues, earlier today the Kremlin had some harsh words for the US.

Russia told the United States on Thursday to get to the bottom of of its own hacking scandal. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said accusations of a Russian hand in hacking Democratic Party emails bordered on “total stupidity” and were motivated by anti-Russian sentiment. Suggestions of Russian involvement riled the Kremlin, which has categorically denied this and accused U.S. politicians of seeking to play on Cold War-style U.S. fears of Moscow by fabricating stories for electoral purposes.

As regards these (email) batches, that is not our headache. We never poke our noses into others’ affairs and we really don’t like it when people try to poke their nose into ours,” he said.

“The Americans needs to get to the bottom of what these emails are themselves and find out what it’s all about.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov

Furthermore, as Reuters adds, Peskov said the Kremlin was unmoved by a Trump comment that he would consider recognising Ukraine’s Crimea as part of Russia, and it would not change what he says has been its neutral stance on U.S. presidential candidates.

Showing remarkable lucidity, one which seems to be lacking among most American voters, Peskov added that “We know perfectly well that candidates in the heat of a pre-election struggle say one thing, but that later, when under the weight of responsibility, their rhetoric becomes more balanced.”

Luckily, with the DNC ending and the hacking rapidly fading from collective memory, the scandal is fading fast, and so moments ago US intelligence chief Clapper said that the US is “not ready” to say if Russia is behind the DNC hack. We doubt it will say otherwise until such time as everyone has forgotten the whole incident, which was far more relevant for the content it revealed rather than which hacker orchestrated it.

As for Trump’s suggestion that Russia should release the 30,000 emails deleted from Hillary’s server, a statement which prompted a firestorm of angry replies from the media, Trump told Fox News the following: “Of course I’m being sarcastic. You have 33,000 emails deleted, and the real problem is what was said on the emails from the Democratic National Convention.”

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