FXStreet (Mumbai) – The Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) foreign-currency holdings rose 1.7% to a record high in August, according to fresh data published on the central bank’s website on Monday.

The reserves increased to CHF540.4 billion at the end of August, from a revised CHF531.2 billion in July.

The Swiss franc declined about 2% against the euro last month, increasing the value of the central bank’s foreign-currency reserves in franc terms. At the end of Q2 2015, 42% of the central bank’s holdings were in euros.

Swiss central bank is scheduled to announce its quarterly monetary policy assessment and decisions next Thursday, September 17.

The Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) foreign-currency holdings rose 1.7% to a record high in August, according to fresh data published on the central bank’s website on Monday.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)

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