The Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting & Exercise

Fasting is a biological stressor that produces many beneficial results. Some of the benefits associated with fasting — such as a reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease can at least in part be attributed to the process of Autophagy.

Note: Autophagy is an intracellular degradation system that delivers cytoplasmic constituents to the lysosome. Despite its simplicity, recent progress has demonstrated that autophagy plays a wide variety of physiological and pathophysiological roles, which are sometimes complex

There are different kinds of intermittent fasting schedules, I fast every day by scheduling my eating within a window of approximately 8 hours or less.

For example, restrict eating to the hours of 11:00a and 7:00p equates to 16 hours of daily fasting.

Some people struggle without breakfast, so work on a schedule and find out what works best for you.

There is evidence showing that when we supply fuel to your mitochondria at a time when they do not need it, they leak electrons that liberate reactive oxygen species as free radicals.

These free radicals damage your mitochondrial and eventually nuclear DNA.

There is also evidence indicating that cancer cells uniformly have damaged mitochondria, so eating too close to bedtime is not a good idea. At the minimum, avoid eating at least 3 hours before going to sleep.

Nutritional ketogenesis is a strategy that helps boost autophagy, and to accomplish that, one must cut down on the non-fiber carbs and increase the amount of healthy fat in the diet, along with a moderate amount of protein.

Many Americans tend to eat more protein than needed, which then counteracts efforts to get into nutritional ketosis.

According to the experts: “Ketogenesis is like an autophagy hack. You get a lot of the same metabolic changes and benefits of fasting without actually fasting … Between 60 and 70% of one’s overall calories should come from [healthy] fat … Protein makes up 20 to 30% of calories, while carbs are kept below 50 grams per day … Similar benefits have been noted in people following a diet in which carbs didn’t exceed 30 percent of their overall calories.”

Most Americans consume harmful fats like processed vegetable oils, which will invariably make their health worse. Not only is it processed, it is very high in omega-6 oils, and excess omega-6 fats will integrate into the inner mitochondrial membrane and become highly susceptible to oxidative damage, causing your mitochondria to die prematurely.

It is best to keep omega-6 fats consumption to less than 4 to 5% of total daily calories Replace the omega-6 fats with healthy fats such as natural, unprocessed fat found in real foods such as seeds, nuts, real butter, olives, avocado, and coconut oil.

It is also important to make the distinction about which carbs we are talking about when we say “low-carb,” as vegetables are “carbs” too.

However, fiber carbs (vegetables) will not push our metabolism in the wrong direction, only the non-fiber ones will, meaning sugars and anything that converts to sugar, such as soda, processed grains, pasta, bread, cookies and alcohol .

Importantly, the fiber is not broken down by sugar but travels down the digestion system, is consumed by bacteria in your intestine, and converted to short chain fats that actually improve your health.

When we look at the nutrition facts on a processed food package, it will list total carbs.

To calculate the dangerous non-fiber carbs, just subtract the grams of fiber from the grams of total carbohydrate in the food in question. Remember, we do need carbs, but we need most all of them from vegetables, which are also high in fiber.

The take-home message here is that your lifestyle determines our fate in terms of how long we will live and how healthy those years will be.

For optimal health and disease prevention, you need healthy mitochondria and efficient autophagy (cellular cleaning and recycling), and three key lifestyle factors that have a beneficial effect on both are:

What you eat: A diet high in quality fats, moderate in protein, and low in non-fiber carbs. Eating Organic and grass-fed meats and dairy is also important, as commonly used pesticides like glyphosate cause mitochondrial damage

Daily intermittent fasting and Eexercise can be an effective life extender.

Dr. Colin Champ, a board-certified radiation oncologist and assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center explains it thus: “Think of it as our body’s innate recycling program. Autophagy makes us more efficient machines to get rid of faulty parts, stop cancerous growths, and stop metabolic dysfunction like obesity and diabetes.”

By boosting your body’s autophagy process, you dampen inflammation, slow down the aging process, and optimize biological function.

As noted by Fight Aging: “Greater autophagy taking place in tissue should mean fewer damaged and disarrayed cells at any given moment in time, which in turn should translate to a longer-lasting organism.”

He healthy, Be healthy, Live lively.


Paul Ebeling

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