Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk,
The migration problem in the EU is unsolvable. Competing political positions explain why.
Five-Point Synopsis
Germany Merkel’s CDU: Seek a consensus solution under existing EU rules.
Germany Seehofer’s CSU: Turn them back at the border (i.e. Send them back to Italy through Austria)
Italy Five Star and the League: Change the “Dublin Rules” which state migrants must apply for asylum in the first country in which they land. Italy wants to distribute existing migrants throughout EU. It also supports “safe areas” in Africa.
Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia: All refuse new migrants
Austria: Austria’s Prime Minister, Sebastian Kurz, wants quotas and “safe areas” in refugees’ countries of origin. In a controversial twist, he said Brussels should organize it and “back it militarily.”
There are other positions such as that of Barcelona’s Mayor who openly welcomes migrants.
In contrast, Viktor Orban, Hungary’s prime minister, accuses migrants of destroying “Christian Europe”.
On July 1, Austria will take over the position of the Presidency of the EU Council. The position rotates every six months.
Austria’s stated goals on March 1 included this item: The fight against illegal immigration by securing external borders.
Not Solvable!
Anyone who thinks this is solvable under existing EU rules is downright crazy. Heck, it is not solvable at all.
Yet, Merkel was foolish enough to ask CSU leader Horst Seehofer for two weeks to solve the problem.
Under German law, Seehofer has the right to implement policy in Bavaria. He threatened to “send them back”. Also under German law, Merkel can fire Seehofer.
If she fires Seehofer, as I expect, it will be the end of the CDU-CSU coalition.
And by foolishly asking for time (and getting it), Merkel, not Seehofer, will take the blame.
Her own stubborn arrogance will have done her in.
Libertarian Position
Some readers suggest that open immigration is a Libertarian position. Indeed, it is. But free benefits are not.
We can condense the EU’s unsolvable problem down to one statement: Open migration is not compatible with free education, free services, free lodging, etc.
I have some US friends who will disagree. But the US also has another barrier: oceans. The EU is reachable by land or the Mediterranean Sea.
For discussion, please see Trump’s Immoral Immigration Tactics: What’s the Libertarian View?
Don’t Downplay the US Role in This Mess
US warmongering policies in Libya, Syria, and Iraq kicked off the current wave of migrants into the EU.
It’s easy (and correct) to blame Merkel, but few point to the US for its role in this madness.
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