


As Francis Marion (via The Burning Platform) adds…

The truth is always somewhere in between. Europe’s history is not quite so rosy as this video would lead us to believe. Everyone here knows that. That being said European peoples have at least been making an effort to improve ourselves over the decades – spiritually, politically etc. However, somewhere along the line we confused enlightenment with passivity, self loathing and ignorance. I’d like to thank team Soros, the EU, the IMF et al and the myriad of cultural marxists that infest our schools for that.


There is much beauty in our shared Euro cultures – beauty, rightness, justice and a form of political liberty that is worth saving. But we have to throw off our own psychological chains first in order to save it. We have to reject self loathing and imperialism simultaneously. This means turning over the political establishments apple cart. In order to do so we will need to embrace nationalism and non interventionism and the truth about our pasts, come to terms with it, accept it and let it go.


Then we will need to lay down the law to foreign cultures, kick those who will not respect the principles of human liberty and the rule of law out of our countries and be prepared to punish with impunity anyone in political office who is caught acting in a corrupt or treasonous manner. The harshest treatment needs to be reserved for those of our own who have sold out to the marxists and their islamic henchmen. After that our path will become clearer and easier to follow.

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