The Things We All Need To Do To Maintain Good Health
The solution for good health and resolving most all illness involves a few basic concepts. When these concepts are applied early enough with most illnesses the human body activates its healing response and many people can recover from illness.
The basics involve Sun, Water, Movement, Food, and Sleep.
Most people who have investigated the power of natural medicine fail to comprehensively integrate all of these things, and reap the powerful synergistic benefits they often provide.
Access The Sun
There are many benefits of Sun exposure. The UVB in the Sun will help your body produce Vitamin-D, and optimal levels are crucial to prevent diseases like obesity, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, Alzheimer’s, and dozens of other diseases.
Many people are confused about Sun exposure, and do not understand that to reap the benefits they need a significant amount of skin exposed to the Sun for their skin to stimulate Vitamin D production.
Note that 15 to 30 mins of eating outside with all your clothes on is not going to give you healthy Vitamin D levels. People need to expose significant amounts of skin to the Sun to improve your Vitamin D levels. The time necessary varies based on your age, weight, fat tissue takes up Vitamin D, skin color, season, latitude, altitude, cloud cover, and time of day.
The range can be anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. The only way to know for sure is to make sure you never get a sun burn and to measure your Vitamin D blood levels.
Drink Clean Water
Most municipal water supplies are contaminated with chlorine disinfection byproducts and fluoride. It is easy to remove chlorine and disinfection byproducts with high quality carbon filters.
The large filters are good for 5 to 10 yrs but the pre-filters need to be changed every month or so. Carbon filters do not remove fluoride very well, so reverse osmosis or distillers are the only option. Reverse osmosis (RO) is favored, as they do not damage the water much.
Eat Real Food
It is important to learn that if you implement these simple food strategies you can prevent and reverse most any disease. Getting nutrition correct is the 1st step in good health and healing just about any disease. For some diseases, like type 2 two diabetes, it will cure virtually every case. It will also prevent and treat most heart disease, cancers, and Alzheimer’s.
Resolve insulin resistance and people no longer have type 2 diabetes, and they can dramatically reduce if not eliminate risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. The simple Key: eat real food.
Ideally growing it yourself is best. Next best is locally grown and Organic. Eat vegetables, even non-Organic ones are better than no vegetables at all.
Avoid all processed foods, and especially sugars and processed grains, and heated oils. That means industrialized polyunsaturated oils in a bottle, like corn or canola oil.
Eat olive oil, butter, avocado, and nuts, especially raw almonds, macadamia and pecans.
When You Eat Is Key
Insulin resistance is a major health epidemic in Western culture. Resolving it will be vital to improving just about any health problem. Remember, our ancient ancestors did not have access to food 24/7 , so it makes perfect sense that our genes and metabolism are optimized for regular periods where you do not eat.
The Key is to restrict calories intake to a 6 to 8 hour window, and eat no calories for the remainder of the day. Drink water, tea, or coffee as long as there is no dairy or sweetener in them.
Do not skip breakfast, a problem with skipping breakfast is that it does not allow us to fast for even longer before you sleep.
Improve Your Mitochondria
The Big Q: Why is it important to have a long span of time during which you are not eating before bed?
The Big A: This is due to the way the human body creates energy, which is through your mitochondria. These tiny bacterial derivatives live inside your cell and are optimized to create energy from the food you eat and the air you breathe.
The mitochondria create energy by generating electrons that are normally transferred to ATP (adenosine triphosphate). When you do not have insulin resistance this energy transfer works quite nicely, but when you are insulin resistant or you eat excessively thing inside can go wrong. If you eat excessive food and you do not burn the calories with movement shortly after consuming the calories, the electrons back up inside the mitochondria as there is plenty of ATP that is not being used.
The problem is that these electrons are highly reactive and they start to leak out of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria, and if enough electrons leak out they wind up prematurely killing the mitochondria, and create more problems by damaging your cell membranes and DNA. Many experts believe this is one of the Keys that accelerates aging.
So, do not eat for at least 3 hours before going to sleep, because the body will use the least amount of calories when sleeping and the last thing anyone needs is excess fuel generating free radicals damaging body tissues.
Many believe that stopping eating around 4:00p is best and have 6 to 7 hours of fasting before going to sleep.
Regularly Move To Stay Healthy
The average American adult spends about 10 hrs + each day sitting, and more than 10,000 studies have now confirmed that chronic sitting is a powerful independent risk factor for insulin resistance and an early death. That is true even if you eat right, exercise regularly, and are very fit. It is important to realize that you cannot offset 10 hrs of stillness with 1 hr of exercise. People need near-continuous movement throughout the day for good health. Once you have sat for an hour, you have sat too long.
Getting up and walking around hourly helps, take the time to exercise, and incorporate as much physical activity into daily life as you can.
This is a really good routine: 1 hr 45 mins of walking every day, 15 mins of swimming and at least 30 mins of stretching and exercise.
Everyone Needs To Sleep 8 Hours to Stay Healthy
Most people do not appreciate how important sleep is to good health. Good, adequate sleep plays a Key role in recovery, repair, and optimal healing.
There are exceptions to the 8hr Sleep Rule. Frequent yawning during the day is a Key indicator for the sleep deprived
I try hard to average about 8.5 hrs of sleep nightly, and longer if I feel I need it. Nothing should get in the way of good sleep.
If you apply the basics above to your life they may resolve over 80% of your health problems.
It is vital to maintain a positive attitude, and know that if you are committed to finding a natural solution to any health problem you will find one. It is just a matter of time.
Remember you have the power to take control of you and your family’s health.
Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively
Paul Ebeling
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