Last week, a new website was launched which establishes a marketplace whereby white people can pay reparations to "people of color" for their years of oppression.  The site was started by Natasha Marin, a conceptual artist, who says that the website began as a social media experiment on Facebook on July 15, 2016.  The about page of the website clarifies how people should utilize the site:

I invite People of Color to ask for what we need to feel better, be happier, be more productive by posting in this space. These may be both material and immaterial requests.


I invite people who identify as White to offer services or contributions to People of Color in need of time, energy, substantive care, and support.

Just so there isn't any confusion, Natasha provides examples:

POC 1: I need a massage. This week.
White Person 1: [posts Groupon with code for redemption]


POC2: I need therapy. I can spend $10 a session.
White Person 2: [posts contact information to a therapist who they have made arrangements with.]


POC 3: I need groceries.
White Person 3: "I'll get them for you. PM me and I'll send an Amazon Fresh or Safeway delivery. You just pick out what you want. I have a $200 limit."


POC 4: I'm too upset to make dinner. I live in Seattle.
White Person 4: "Come over to my house for dinner, bring a friend if you like. PM me and I'll send you the address, or can I order delivery to you? What kind of food do you like?"


POC 5: I need a quiet place to work on _________.
White Person 5: "I have an office, spare room, house, that will be unoccupied on the following dates, would you like to use that space? I can send pictures …"


POC 6: I want to scream and cuss at someone.
White Person 6: "I volunteer as tribute. How do we set this up?"


POC 7: I want to escape this cruel world in a *Specific Videogame* but can't afford it on Steam right now. This is not a crisis, I just don't trust people easily and want to see if this works.
White Person 7: Thank you for giving me the chance to do something concrete and relatively easy. I was quietly hating myself for doing nothing.


Lest you think this is a joke, below are a couple of examples from the website of people requesting and offering reparations payments.

The request below comes from Lily who would like someone to buy her the new World of Warcraft game dropping on August 30th.

Request Game

Meagan, on the other hand, chose to make an unsolicited offer of "Empathic Listening."  She is apparently trained in "Emotional Freedom Technique and Nonviolent Communication" and even though she is not a "licensed therapist" she has a lot of experience "holding space in this way."  While we're not exactly sure what any of that means, we're pretty sure that Lily is SOL, in an emotionally supportive, non-violent way, on the World of Warcraft game, at least as far as Meaghan is concerned.

Offer Listening

And last, but certainly not least, we have an example of a reparation request paid in full (well maybe, we haven't yet calculated the exact amount due per capita) to Andy who requested studio time to work on his album "White Boys" where he can "vent out my frustration on, well, white boys."

Request Studio

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