That the Great America PAC raised $514k in April in support of Donald Trump isn’t very surprising, what is surprising however, is the fact that 81% of those funds came from donors giving less than $200.
The PAC was established in early February, and during that month it raised $74k with just 22% from small donors. In March the PAC gained some momentum, collecting $479k in total donations, but the percentage of small donors was similar to January, coming in at 24%.
April’s high percentage of small donors giving money to a super PAC is unusual, and according to The Hill, could trigger a letter from the Federal Election Commission based on the FEC review policy.
The PAC ended with $65k cash on hand for the month of April, but will inevitably receive a significant funding boost with the announcement that billionaire Stanley Hubbard has joined the Great America PAC’s advisory committee, begrudgingly supporting his “least favorite candidate.“
While many will undoubtedly try and spin the fact that such a large amount of small donors giving to a super PAC as opposed to donating directly to a candidate as indicative there is something nefarious taking place, the more likely scenario is now that the stage is set for a Trump/Clinton showdown in the fall, The Donald is demonstrating that Bernie is not the only one who can capitalize on grassroots efforts.
Which in retrospect is hardly that surprising. Recall that according to actual polls, the actual Trump supporter is far from the generic stereotype of “white, working class, and uneducated” – on the contrary, Trump voters not only have higher education levels (44% of Trump voters have college undergraduate degrees, compared to 29% of US adults) they also have higher median household incomes than the typical American.
In fact, in a stark reversal, Hillary only dominates among the very lowest of income earners in America; which is no surprise since “work is punished” at that level of income.
What is simply happening is that Trump’s wealthier-than-the-average-American supporters, are simply putting their money to promote the candidate they believe should defeat Hillary in November.
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