Mounting evidence would suggest it’s getting more and more difficult for the left to claim that there are “no signs” of fraud in the 2016 election cycle…though we’re sure they will continue to try.  Just this morning the Miami Herald noted that two arrests were made in Miami-Dade county on election fraud charges including efforts by one woman to illegally register voters (some of whom were dead…a recurring theme this election cycle) while another 74-year-old election worker was charged with actually “illegally marking ballots”.

A 74-year-old woman tasked with opening envelopes sent by Miami-Dade County voters with their completed mail ballots was arrested Friday after co-workers caught her illegally marking ballots, resulting in an unknown — but small — number of fraudulent votes being cast for mayoral candidate Raquel Regalado.


Investigators linked Gladys Coego, a temporary worker for the county elections department, to two fraudulent votes, but they suspect from witness testimony that she submitted several more.


In a separate election-fraud case, authorities also arrested a second woman for unlawfully filling out voter-registration forms on behalf of United for Care, the campaign to legalize medical marijuana in Florida.


The Miami-Dade state attorney’s office plans to accuse Tomika Curgil, 33, of filling out forms for five people without their consent. She also submitted at least 17 forms for people who apparently don’t exist — and several forms for people who are dead.


Police officers arrested Curgil at her Liberty City home Friday morning and intend to charge her with five felony counts of submitting false voter-registration information.

Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernández Rundle was quick to praise the “swift arrest of the wrongdoers” and ensure voters of the “integrity of the electoral process.”  That said, we, like many others, wonder just how many similar cases of election fraud will go unnoticed between now and election day.

“Our law enforcement effort against these election law violators was swift and resulted in an immediate arrest of the wrongdoers,” Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernández Rundle, a Democrat, said in a statement. “The elections department was quick to detect and report these violations to our task force.


“Anyone who attempts to undermine the democratic process should recognize that there is an enforcement partnership between the elections department and our prosecution task force in place to thwart such efforts and arrest those involved. Now we need to move forward with the election.”


“I want to ensure the voters of Miami-Dade County that the integrity of the electoral process is intact because our procedures work,” White said in a statement. “While disappointed by these incidents, I am very proud of the safeguards the Elections Department has in place to prevent these fraudulent attempts, and I commend the employees who remained vigilant just as they were trained to do.”

Meanwhile, Florida isn’t the only state with fraud problems as an NBC affiliate in Virginia is reporting that a former resident of Alexandia was also arrested after being caught creating fictitious voter registrations and faces up to 40 years in prison.  Of course, Virginia, run by long-time Clinton confidant Terry McAuliffe, is no stranger to election fraud as one democratic organization was already caught earlier this month re-registering dead voters.

A former resident of Alexandria, Virginia, is facing up to 40 years in prison after he allegedly used fake names to fill out voter registration applications.


Vafalay Massaquoi, 30, is facing four felony charges related to allegations of voter registration fraud, the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office said. Each charge carries a maximum of 10 years in prison.


In the spring of 2016, Massaquoi was registering new voters as an employee of a local advocacy group. According to the Commonwealth’s Attorney, Massaquoi fabricated applications and used fake names to fill out the registration forms.


The fake applications were filed with the Alexandria Office of the General Registrar, who reported the issue to Commonwealth’s Attorney Bryan Porter.

All of these reports simply add fuel to the fire of Trump who has been relentlessly attacking the “rigged” elections for the past several weeks. 


Of course, these are just a few of the people who have actually been caught for their election “rigging” efforts.  Meanwhile, there have seemingly been an unlimited number of other fraud cases pop up around the country involving everything from illegal voter registrations to dead people voting.  In fact, a recent report from CBS Chicago found that over 100 dead Chicagoans had voted 229 times over the past decade.

Susie Sallee was buried in 1998. Yet records show she voted in Chicago 12 years later.


Victor Crosswell died in 1994, but records show he’s voted six times since then.


And then there’s Floyd Stevens. Records show he’s voted 11 times since his death in 1993.


“It’s crazy,” Sharon Stevens Anderson, Stevens’ daughter, tells CBS 2’s Pam Zekman. “I don’t see how people can be able to do something like that and get away with it.”


Those are just a few of the cases CBS 2 Investigators found by merging Chicago Board of Election voter histories with the death master file from the Social Security Administration.


In all, the analysis showed 119 dead people have voted a total of 229 times in Chicago in the last decade.


Moreover, an ABC affiliate in Philadelphia uncovered similar instances of dead voters in the “City of Brotherly Love.”

So, Action News dug through a decade’s worth of election and death records to see if there was any truth to the claim.


Some of what Action News investigation found was stunning.


Pezzano passed in 2006. But state voting records show the South Philadelphia native still listed as an “Active Voter” who cast ballots in 2008, 2012, 2014, and the 2016 primary election.


Our investigation also found Joseph B. Haggarty resting peacefully in a Bucks County cemetery. His grave marker confirmed he died in 2010, but records show he voted five years after his death.


Action News also found Paul Bunch, who died in 2006, also cast a vote in this year’s primary which was nearly ten years after death records show he died.


But, while all of this may seem shocking, in due time, we’re confident these arrests and all other instances dead people voting, etc. will be seen for what they really are, namely another blatant attempt to suppress low-income and minority votes.

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