US President Barack Hussein Obama’s Legacy In Shreds

Barack Hussein Obama, will be remembered as America’s worst president ever.

As Barack Hussein Obama’s 2nd term comes to an end, he has been beleaguered by the race to replace him.

It has been 1 of the most unconventional since Ronald Reagan’s run in Y 1980, and still has almost 8 months to go.

Billionaire developer Donald Trump has shocked the US political establishment and irked Mr. Obama, who by the way irked Mr. Trump 1st, prompting him to run for the Oval Office and take no prisoners in the process.

Mr. Obama will see many of his questionable accomplishments knocked over if Republicans reclaim the White House.

Donald Trump’s rise reflects where the economy under Mr. Obama has fallen very short, particularly in stagnant wages, low economic growth, illegal immigration, and national security.

The lagging effects of the Great Recession that ended almost 7 years ago hang over this Presidential race.

The leading Democrat candidate, Hillary R, Clinton, is viewed unfavorably by 52%+ of Americans, a poll released on 8 March shows.

The best thing that could happen to Mr Obama is that Hillary Clinton wins and insures at least part of his legacy, the worst thing will be that Donald Trump wins and shreds his divisive legacy, sweeps the White House of all evidence of him and his family ever living there, and he is remembered as America’s worst ever President.

Trumpeting for Trump

Paul Ebeling


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