FXStreet (Córdoba) – The Dow Jones Industrial Average latest registered close was at 17,820.11 on Wednesday, with the index hovering a few points above that level ahead of Friday’s Asian opening. Futures trading in the US indexes was practically null this Thursday amid a local holiday which will also maintain the markets subdued on Friday.
Nevertheless, the strong advance in European equities helped the DJIA to hold onto its recent gains.
DJIA technical view
“The daily chart shows that the index stands a few points above a flat 20 SMA, while the technical indicators aim slightly higher above their mid-lines. In the 4 hours chart, the technical picture is not that clear, given that the Momentum indicator heads north above its 100 level, but the RSI indicator has turned lower around 59. In this last chart, the 20 SMA lacks directional strength, holding flat at 17,820 and providing an immediate short term support for this Friday”, said Valeria Bednarik, chief analyst at FXStreet.
Support levels: 17,820 17,751 17,690. Resistance levels: 17,930 18,010 18,095.
(Market News Provided by FXstreet)