It’s been an extremely turbulent 24 hours in the financial market with the Dow recording its largest ever daily points drop as panic set in and traders tried to work out what was triggering such a strong sell-off. Markets have stabilized a little on Tuesday but there remains some concern among traders which continues to weigh.
Senior Market Analyst Craig Erlam talks about what he thinks has triggered such a move and goes through this week’s other key events in the markets.
He also gives his live analysis on EURUSD (18:08), GBPUSD (20:02), EURGBP (22:12), AUDUSD (23:32), USDCAD (25:10), GBPCAD (27:16), NZDUSD (28:54), USDJPY (30:58), GBPJPY (32:53) and EURJPY (34:12).
DAX Recovers After Falling to 5-Month Low
Beware: FX Space is Calm, But Appearances Can Be Deceiving
Plop Plop Fizz Fizz Oh What a Relief it is