Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Not only does President Obama refuse to join the words “Islam” and “terrorism,” but the White House won’t let anyone else do it either.

In a video that appeared on the White House website this morning, the words of French President Francois Hollande were censored to remove the following segment:

Islamist terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq. We therefore have to act both in Syria and in Iraq, and this is what we’re doing within the framework of the coalition.

Here’s the censored video that has since been taken down from the White House website.

Here’s a screenshot of the transcript that was published on the site, which contains President Hollande’s full statement.


You know it’s obvious that Obama is avoiding using the phrase “Islamic terror” when even the NY Post notices. Back in November, after the Paris attack, columnist Michael Goodwin called for the President’s resignation. Goodwin wrote:

President Obama has spent the last seven years trying to avoid the world as it is. He has put his intellect and rhetorical skills into the dishonorable service of assigning blame and fudging failure. If nuances were bombs, the Islamic State would have been destroyed years ago.


He refuses to say “Islamic terrorism,” as if that would offend the peaceful Muslims who make up the vast bulk of victims. He rejects the word “war,” even as jihadists carry out bloodthirsty attacks against Americans and innocent peoples around the world.

After the attacks in San Bernadino, California in December, we pointed out that Obama attempted to shift the blame away from radical Islam to…wait for it…workplace violence.

President Obama said that the San Bernardino terrorists had mixed motives for killing 14 people and injuring 17 others. He warned Americans not to draw any conclusions:

“At this stage, we do not yet know why this terrible event occurred.”


“We do know that the two individuals who were killed were equipped with weapons and appeared to have access to additional weaponry in their homes. But we don’t know why they did it.”



“It is possible that this was terrorist-related, but we don’t know. It’s also possible this was workplace-related.”


“We don’t know why they did it. We don’t know at this point the extent of their plans.”

Are you f*cking serious, Mr. President?


As we noted earlier, The Intent Here Was Jihad And It Was Carefully Premeditated And Planned. President Obama, his national security team and the FBI know this.

Maybe if we all hide under our blankies and refuse to say the words, we can pretend this threat doesn’t exist too.

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