Just when it seemed we could not get any more email leak excitement, here comes Wikileaks with what it claims is the first batch of emails obtained from a secret address used by president Barack Obama ([email protected]).

The emails appear to all have been released previously, however Wikileaks has filtered the set of emails which have the “bobama” term in the email address.

Here are some of the emails in the initial bucket:

An email advising Obama not to attend a G-20 November 2008 meeting:

From: John Podesta [mailto:[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 3:39 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected];
Valerie Jarrett; Pete Rouse Subject: G-20    


I don’t want to bug you today, but the memo pasted below concerns a possible invitation to the G-20 meeting on November 15. On the chance that President Bush would raise this with you tonight, I wanted you to be aware that it is the unanimous recommendation for your advisors that you NOT attend. As long as you are aware of that, we can review the contents of the memo tomorrow.

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An email from Citi’s Michael Froman laying out a group of “diverse” candidate for Obama’s cabinet:

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected] 
Date: 2008-10-06 20:38
Subject: Diversity

Barack —


Following up on your conversations with John over the weekend, attached are two documents:


— A list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, divided between Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant Sectetary levels, as well as lists of senior Native Americans, Arab/Muslim Americans and Disabled Americans. We have longer lists, but these are candidates whose names have been recommended by a number of sources for senior level jobs in a potential Administration.


— A list of women, similarly divided between candidates for Cabinet/Deputy and other senior level positions. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.


  — Mike Froman

Readers can skim through the proposed lists of African Americans and Women on the cabinet. Incidentally, Michael Froman now serves as the US Trade Representative, and is instrument in crafting such secret deals as the TPP and TTIP.  

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An October 30, 2008 email from John Podesta to Obama, one which appears to be from the early days of their relationship, which lays out Podesta’s advice for an emergency national economic council.



Good meeting yesterday. When we got off on the idea of creating an emergency national economic council, we left unresolved two questions that were contained in my 2 page cover memo. First, should Daley or Tarullo run the interim economic staff team in the early days of the transition (with the expectation that once appointed the National Economic Advisor would take over)? These are presented as options 2 and 3 on page 2 of the memo. I lean towards option 3, with Tarullo in charge, but either would work. That needs resolution today or tomorrow so we can execute on Wednesday. Second, we need to decide on who should be on the interim outside council. There is a list of suggestions on the bottom of page 2. You added Warren Buffett to the potential list. How do you want to proceed? Pick from the list? have further discussion? Let me know.



The attached memorandum can be found here.

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