In the aftermath of Wikileaks’ late Sunday release of over 8,200 emails, as part of its unexpected second dump of hacked DNC emails now that the Podesta email dump appears to be exhausted, and which showed more coordinated collusion between the Democrats and CNN, which used the DNC as a source of questions for Donald Trump (in a Wolf Blitzer interview), Ted Cruz, and other republicans…

…Wikileaks announced that as a result of a targeted DoS attack…

…. it server was down briefly.

The latest leak came two days after Australian journalist and documentary maker John Pilger’s interviewed Julian Assange in what has been dubbed Assange’s most incendiary interview to date, focusing on the role of Hillary Clinton as the primary “cog” in the current establishment.  During the conversation, Assange talked about the leaks, saying that the source of wasn’t the Russian government, as Washington has repeatedly claimed.

The WikiLeaks co-founder also discussed the outcome of the upcoming elections, saying that the Saudi and Qatari governments support Clinton, as well as ISIS [Islamic State, formerly ISIL], and predicted that “Trump wouldn’t be permitted to win.”

As of this morning, the Wiki server appears to be working fine, albeit with occasional glitches.

Meanwhile, in other Julain Assange-related news, Sweden’s public prosecutor’s office announced Monday that the Wikileaks founder will be questioned in person next week over longstanding rape accusations, or as France24 put it, “legally grilled”, saying an Ecuadorian prosecutor would visit the WikiLeaks founder in the embassy where he has been holed up since 2012.

“Ecuador has granted the Swedish request for legal assistance in criminal matters and the hearing will be conducted by an Ecuadorian prosecutor,” the public prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

The Swedish deputy public prosecutor Ingrid Isgren and a Swedish police inspector will also be present at the questioning on November 14, it added.

“A DNA sample will also be taken, provided that Julian Assange agrees to it,” the statement said.

The 45-year-old Australian sought refuge in Ecuador’s embassy in London in June 2012, fleeing allegations of rape and sexual assault in Sweden dating back to 2010.

He had refused to travel to Sweden for questioning due to concerns that he would then be extradited to the United States over WikiLeaks’ release of 500,000 secret military files on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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