Bitcoin bottom revealed!

Bitcoin / Dollar BITSTAMP:BTCUSD

I combined all my chart ideas in a single one and I strongly believe that I may have a final target zone and time interval for the bottom of this market.
Time: between end of December and end of January
Target: between $2930.00 and $1830.00

  • The $2930.00 and $1830.00 targets can really be seen from moon… they appear on all intervals.
    SEC might have a look on bitcoin             ETF in February, second time may be with luck! so I expect bottom before the date.

What can be seen on the chart:

Possible path of CME&CBOE, based on analysed trends and analysed behavior with a week before settlement dates.
Can be seen a similarity to the end of 2015 correction.
Can be seen similarity to correction between December 2017 and February 2018… but will take longer.

By admin