Anarchists entered the US Consulate in Thessaloniki, Northern Greece and threw flyers opposing the upcoming visit of Barack Obama to Greece. As reports, a group of some 15 people reportedly entered the building where the Consulate is located on the 7th floor on Tuesday morning. They chanted slogans, threw flyers in the corridors and attempted to open banners.


Police rushed to the area and detained six of the protesters.

According to Athens News Agency, the “Anarchist Collective of Rubicon” and the “Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative” uploaded a text in a website of the Greek anti-authoritarian movement. They stated that “the visit of the outgoing US President, Barack Obama in Greece on the eve of the anniversary of the [Students’] Polytechnic uprising (and thus under a left government) is anything but a courtesy visit. The content of the visit could be summed up as “business as usual” and it is known that such “jobs are dirty with the blood of the people.”

The group Rubicon is known for raiding and entering even public buildings and public transport stations to protest the state mechanisms.

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