Following today's farce…

Dilbert Creator Scott Adams just summed up today's political headlines perfectly: "Hillary Clinton just became unelectable."

You probably wonder if the “overheated” explanation is true – and a non-issue as reported – or an indication of a larger medical condition. I’m blogging to tell you it doesn’t matter. The result is the same.


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The mainstream media might not interpret today’s events as a big deal.


After all, it was only a little episode of overheating. And they will continue covering the play-by-play action until election day.


But unless Trump actually does shoot someone on 5th Avenue, he’s running unopposed.


Read his full narrative her…

And of course, the 'others' are standing by…

As it appears the money is starting to get heavy the other way…


Besides, Hillary herself said just last week that…

And she looked anything but "rock-solid steady" today.


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