What was the NSA’s reaction to 9/11 … the greatest intelligence failure in history?

After all, overwhelming evidence shows that 9/11 was foreseeable. Indeed, Al Qaeda crashing planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was itself foreseeable. Even the chair of the 9/11 Commission said that the attack was preventable.

And a top NSA whistleblower says that the NSA had all of the information it needed prior to 9/11 to stop the attacks. The only reason NSA didn’t share that information with other agencies is because of corruption … in an effort to consolidate power. And see this.

As a high-level NSA whistleblower notes in a brilliant new documentary coming out in September (the best documentary I've ever seen), the reactions to 9/11 by the number 2 and number 3 official at the NSA were:

“9/11 is a gift to the NSA. We’re going to get all of the money we need … and then some”


“We’ll milk this cow for 15 years”

How can this be true?

Because mass surveillance has nothing to do with preventing terrorism.

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